Where God (Re)plants You

Sometimes God chooses to replant us, and it is not always easy. As hard as it may be to accept, it is going to be what we need most and what will bring glory to God. If we choose to accept it, we will grow, if we don’t, our faith in God will quickly decline.

My family has recently moved out-of-state and it has been quite a change. It had seemed like we were in just the right place–among relatives, a part of a church family, and many friends. With no other choice, we moved. Despite the challenges, I know it was in His will. It was not a mistake or coincidence. He has chosen to replant us and we simply need to accept it.

Perhaps God has or one day will choose to replant you or a close friend you have grown up with all your life. We need to learn to not only accept it, but embrace it. Take where He has planted you and live it to the fullest—as He sees fit.

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