No Greater Joy

Time is such a gift. There are so many good things that can be done with it, yet there are even more things that can cause it to be wasted.

These days, many people seem to have more time than they know what to do with. As a result, hours and hours tend to get wasted away in self entertainment. Yes, I said wasted. We were not created to be self entertained.

Now, for many this can be hard to grasp, particularly for ones who have grown up surrounded by self entertainment. Most would say we need some happiness in our life–a joy that kind of keeps us going, gives us a break, something worth living for–and yes, this is true, but where do we find this joy, this feeling of content, rest, purpose, and life worth living? To be sure, it is not in anything made by human hands.

It is in Christ, and in Him alone. If you haven’t found this yet, I strongly urge you to seek Him with all you’ve got…there is nothing more satisfying! And this should by no means be limited to an hour a day thing…this is a 24/7 thing!

I’m slowly learning this doesn’t look the same for everyone. (After all, we can hardly limit what God is capable of!) While I’m sure it can be a challenge at first, you will soon find that there is so much more satisfaction in doing things like visiting your neighbor who you know has no nearby family, sharing words of encouragement or gratitude, looking for ways to help those around you (physically, spiritually, emotionally, etc.)–starting in your own home–than there is in doing something that gives you a temporary kind of selfish pleasure.

Perhaps you are gifted with a hammer–(I am SO not! Haha!!!) then help your dad fix the fence. Mow your neighbor’s lawn. Make some cookies for your sister. Visit a nearby nursing home. Call up a friend you haven’t talked to in forever to see how they’re doing. Think of people who have had a positive impact on your life and thank them for it. If we are truly grateful for what we’ve been blessed with, than we will share it.

In all this, it is quite important we have rest– critical even. Where do we find this rest? Again, with Christ alone. It’s easy to kind of skip over this part. Don’t skip this. This also takes practice and doesn’t look the same for everyone. I personally find playing piano, as though it’s just me and God in the room, to be the most restful. Perhaps for you it is a walk outside every day, a long shower, a quiet time before everyone else is out of bed.

To try and sum it up, you need to truly seek God and His righteousness with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, nothing is more satisfying or can bring a greater joy.

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