Full Potential

“There is one who scatters, yet increases more;
And there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty.” -Proverbs 11:24

AMEN!!! We are blessed with SO MUCH and God makes us capable of doing more than we could ever imagine, yet we keep so much of it to ourselves without even realizing it. Don’t stick to a comfortable routine, do hard things and grow to your true, full potential!


Set our eyes on what You want us to focus.

Open our ears to what You want us to hear.

Make our hands sensitive to the work You have called us to.

Expose our hearts to the needs of those You desire for us to help.

May our compassion and love be as the compassion and love You have shown towards us.

For A Cause

It is because of You I have hope.

It is because of You I know I have a calling, a purpose, a reason to be alive.

You show me that You have gifted me for a cause—and give me strength for that cause.

Above all, You have given Your own life. What more could one give?

Take my life and may it be fully, truly—Yours.

You Have Something Better

Lord, how we need You.

There are times it feels like our family is falling apart, but You hold us together.

When things look like they couldn’t be any worse, You still bring something good from them.

When we make mistakes, You use those times to teach us.

When it seems like all is lost, really it just means You have something better.

When we are weak, You only make us stronger.

Lord, how we need You!

You Who Are Weary

There are some days that my heart just hurts–without getting into details, just overwhelmed by the chaos of life. Sometimes there’s just more than I can handle on my own.

For obvious reasons, I don’t really like these days. But on the other hand, it’s days like these that I feel like I can’t go on alone, and, of course, that’s where God comes in–and I am grateful. I can no longer take Him for granted.

Often there is more around me than I can take–it’s like my eyes need a break–then I look towards Jesus, and it is so relieving! He takes the weight off my chest. My mind is finally cleared of all the chaos. I finally find peace. I find rest in His arms.

He offers this to everyone, but we have to come to Him.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

My Supplication

I thought all was right, but it has become obscure.
It seemed so bright, but now it’s a blur.

I search for His hand–have I been forsaken?
I can no longer stand–has all life been now taken?

Tears fall, I long for a place to lay my head.
On my knees I plea for Him—Has He let me down, despite what He’s said?

My supplication is heard, as He looks to His arms and says,

“Do not be concerned, for though you have fallen, yes, it is into my arms, where I shall carry you.”

“Sometimes we feel as though God has let us down when really we have just fallen into His arms and He is carrying us.”