As You Have Forgiven

Lord, soften our hearts.

Where we’ve been hurt and become bitter,
Help us to heal and let go.

Where we have become set in our ways,
Help us to surrender to Your will. 

Where our thoughts are controlled by fear, pain, and resentment,
Help us to trust, heal and forgive, just as You have forgiven us.

He Will Make A Way

I just realized it’s been awhile since I’ve shared anything of my own personal journey through this crazy thing called life.

As many know, I’ve not had my license or a job for quite awhile due to epilepsy. I’ve been trying to make the best of things by studying in the medical field for a possible job one day. I got connected with a program called Vocational Rehabilitation that helps people with disabilities get a job that is tailored to their capabilities. For me, this has basically been finding a job that doesn’t require physically strenuous activity as this triggers head pain (due to past surgeries). This was challenging at first because my previous work history was in personal care that required being able to lift heavy things/people. 

Through Voc Rehab, I started online classes a few months ago to be a medical assistant and just recently started an internship at a doctor’s office nearby…and I love it! The doctor and staff at the office where I’m working have all been so patient and helpful in teaching me new things every day.

I can definitely say a year ago I had no idea I’d be where I am today. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever been able to predict things a year in advance…who can??

It’s all been a reminder (as usual) of how I need to trust God–no matter what comes next. I can’t control the future. But I can make the most of every day. I can seek His will. I can love Him no matter what. I can reflect Him in my words and actions. Because of Him, I can. And you can too!

If it is His will, He will make a way.