He’ll Take Care of the Rest

While in deep thought of all the chaos in this world and knowing what so many are having to go through, I pleaded to God, saying, “Use me, Lord–please–use me!” Unlike the countless other times I have asked this with a response of silence, I actually got a quick response of, “I already am.” in a sort of don’t-you-see-it kind of way. It hit me hard and quite unexpectedly. I gotta admit, I feel somewhat ashamed.

Several months ago, I had quite a different picture of what the year 2020 had in store, and I’m sure countless others did as well. I’ve been quarantined with my Grandparents for about 8 weeks now, just helping out with basic things like meals, cleaning, meds, dr’s appointments and such. It’s not at all what I had pictured, but obviously God had a different plan.

What it comes down to is God alone knows where we should be, what we should be doing, and when we should be doing it. So, we just gotta keep continuing to seek Him and His will–not our own–and let Him take care of the rest.

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