One Step At A Time

There are so many things I hope to do one day–and they’re good things–but too often I think of it as one day -voila- there I’ll be! Well, realistically, I don’t think that’s quite how God works.

For years now, I have felt led to just plain help people. Especially those with special needs, to the point that I’d like to one day go overseas and help longterm. It has only been in the last 2 months that it ever crossed my mind to just start with one. (I tend to learn things the hard way) I came across a ministry called Compassion where you can support a child while also getting to know them by writing. It’s not like volunteering at an orphanage, but it’s a start. (, if you’re interested)

If we just open our eyes, He will put people right in front of us who need His love and compassion. Family members, neighbors, coworkers, elderly who never have visitors at the nursing home nearby, etc.

I feel like it’s something we all need to work on:

Starting where we’re at and moving forward…one step at a time.

I’m still learning, and if one day I do make it overseas, I’ll still be learning then too.

I want to remind everyone that we don’t just jump from point A to point B. We have to take it one step at a time. I urge you–find a way to serve in your community–there is nothing more rewarding! (Who knows where God will take you next!)

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