Solid Ground

You try and hold,
But for how much longer?

Alone in the cold,
If only you were stronger.

You think you can do it,
In your stubbornness,
You go on.

You’re sure you can get through it,
Though you know something is wrong.

Why do you try,
When you know there’s a better way?

Accepting a lie,
When you know that God has the best say?

You stumble in your own pride as you try to stand,
You want all you do to be by your own hand.

You want the life that you have always had planned,
Even though you know you’re just building on sand.

What you have made may look strong,
and pleasing to the eye.

But what you have won’t last long,
No matter how hard you try.

On ourselves we cannot rely,
It’s the Creator who has control,

He’s waiting for our reply,
He’s offered to make us become whole.

If Christ the Cornerstone is your foundation,
When the winds blow He won’t let you down.

If in Him you trust in every situation,
In storms you will stand on solid ground.

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